Dr X
Your Smart Clinic

Our Services

Patient Management

Create, edit, and store patient medical records with quick finding.

Appointment Management

Schedule day-to-day medical appointments using an interactive calendar.

Medical Diagnosis Management

Add the patient’s symptoms, signs, and prescription during his visit.

We help doctors manage their clinic

When treating a patient, information gathered by any means can crucially guide and direct care. The medical history may also direct differential diagnoses.

Dr X is where all clinic management is in one place: appointment history, diagnoses, prescriptions, other vital medical practice, patient information, and much more.

Why Choose Us



Access any where you are, any time you need, and using any electronic device (mobile, tablet, and PC).

Data Security

Avoid the loss of your patients’ data with continuous backups.


Continuous support along the journey. From importing your current patients data until the system is up and running.

Get your smart clinic today!

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